
Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Li'l Pears of Sunshine: Keep Moving Forward

It’s okay to feel a little lost, to not have all the answers, to feel stuck. It’s okay to realize you veered off course. It’s okay to see a dream way in the distance but have no idea how to get there. It’s okay not to even know what it is you want. The trick is to simply keep moving forward, one wheel turn at a time, one footstep at a time.

Sometimes it isn’t about knowing where you are going as much as it is about ensuring you keep your eyes open to possibilities, the little pebbles on the path that will lead you to your next pit stop—your next learning point.

And somewhere between these learning points, often without even realizing it, you will find yourself on the right road for you.

So, it’s okay if you don’t know where you’re going, Sunshine. Just keep moving forward...and you WILL get to where you belong 😉🌞 .

I am putting one foot in front of the other these days, putting myself out there with some new projects combining my art and inspiring writers.  I've made a short plan that I hope to reveal in the next few months and a long plan that will build on it and other I hope you will travel with me on some new adventures!  Not sure exactly where they will lead but I am moving FORWARD 😄.

Keep a look out for a number of changes on my sites and let me know what you think!

🌞  🌞  🌞  🌞  🌞

For the full L'il Pears of Sunshine series, check out my Instagram page @lilpearsofsunshine