
Sunday, May 20, 2018

Fun Updates

A couple of updates for Sunday Funday...

No Zero Days:

Back in March, I started to put into play no "zero days" meaning I make an effort to do something every day that forwards my goals/dreams.  (You can read the initial post HERE) and I am very happy to say I am up to 62 days with no zero days.  Sometimes it is only five minutes, and other times it could be an hour, but every day I do something to move myself closer to reaching my goals.  At about day 50, I reassessed and fine-tuned my current plan even further so I can have a more measurable outcome, and so far so good.  No, it is not easy, especially when there is a lot of personal family stuff going on, and it is all I can do some days to put one foot in front of the other, but focusing on something always eases some of the stress, so there is so much more benefits for progress than just goals, like self-care and positive thinking.

I will let you in on this particular project in the future...near future I hope 😉

100 Day Project:

April 3rd began a yearly, world-wide creative movement called The 100 Day Project.  I thought I had blogged about it but I see I didn't--oops.  Basically, it is choosing something creative to do every day for 100 days straight. I knew my time was tense to begin with, but again, creativity is my happy place, so I wanted to participate and decided I would do a mini sticky-note doodle every day for 100 days.  And at just shy of the half-way point, I am still cruising along there, too.  I've been trying to pick themes for a few days or a week, and I am quite happy with my little five minutes a day doing something fun.  Here are the results so far...

©bystacydawn 2018

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