
Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Have you seen this con-artist?!?

Don't let its size fool you!  This con-artist is wanted for impersonating an author and stealing the identify of your characters--if you see it, SWAT IT!  Beware, this crafty crook is sneaky, so don't worry if you can't find him buzzing through your manuscript because I have a full supply of fly swatters at the ready just for you...

Join me Halloween day for the first in my four part series:

 Deeper POV and Telling vs Showing will no longer be obscure, scary concepts for writers as I show you how to take back your manuscript from this pesky identity thief.

Please feel free to tell your friends and fellow authors, critique partners and writing groups to join me on October 31st for the first installment.

The mystery will finally be solved, and I can assure you...

someone won't be getting out alive...


☮ I'd love to have you visit me on social media and at my website~links on the side 💟


  1. Is this available to download? I missed it lst time. Send me a notice at

    1. It is currently a blog series every Wednesday from October 31 to Nov 21

      Thanks for your interest!
