
Tuesday, October 01, 2019

Quick Tip Tuesday: A litTILe but big issue

Amazing how one little word is a main correction in every seven out of ten manuscripts I edit.

Till...til...'til.  Which is right?

As usual, it all depends on what you are trying to say...

He slid the ten dollar bill into the til and took out a five to hand back for change.

Till -- a store's cash register.

He slid the ten dollar bill into the till and took out a five to hand back for change.

Til we meet again.
I ain't givin' you no money til you show me the goods.

Till we meet again.
I ain't givin' you no money till you show me the goods.

'Til -- is the short form of Until...the apostrophe goes in place of the missing letter.

Until we meet again.
'Til we meet again.
I ain't givin' you no money 'til you show me the goods.

Til is technically not a word -- mostly used in abbreviated reference of "Today I Learned"

Hope this helps and you can say, "TIL how to use till and 'til the right way." 😁